Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I helped a man the other day who came limping into the store with a dirty guitar case in hand. He was not our usual customer in appearance and part of me was not looking forward to helping him. When he finally walked through the door and approached me I could barely understand what he was saying, but knew he needed a box to ship the guitar in. When we got to the back of the store where the shipping boxes were it was clear after giving him a few options he could understand everything I was saying. The only hindrance he had was physical. After not being able to find a solution I asked another co-worker to help us out, they weren't interested in taking the time to listen the the gentleman. By the end of our encounter I learned he was shipping his 12-string guitar to someone in Germany to someone he had sold it to. He had a golden retriever he received after his stroke named Taylor, "that's for James Taylor" he informed me.

After all was said and done I could have spent all afternoon with this gentleman. He had touched my heart and made me remember how much I love people.

Learning patience has been a hard road for me. Not wanting to wait once I had my eye on something, I am more than willing to put in the work that needs to get done to see things through. But what happens when you don't know how to make sense of all that is in front of you? Have I lost my abilbity to see the big picture and wait things out? Does that man swinging the hammer on the new building next door ever wonder if this is as good as it gets?

Have I been so spoiled to dream, when really I should be happy to work, to have a job, my health and husband who loves me?


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