Lost in the Hills of Larkspur. Yesterday I moved my lessons I was to teach around, rushed around to get all the tasks I was to do for the day done, all to drive around for several hours never to make it to my destination. There was a 3 day clinic at a local barn one of our trainers was riding in with her new horse imported from the Netherlands and I was so excited to go watch theses beautiful animals jump large fences and hear the instruction the clinician had to offer. I followed every direction given to me, the breakdown in arrival happened when the directions ended. "Stay on 105 and then you are there," well 105 ended then I turned around and drove back to where I started on 105 thinking I had missed it. Then drove back on 105 for the third time seeing all the same homes, barns, and open space. I decided to keep going. 35 min. later ( felt like an hour) and the loss of cell phone coverage made me think the trip was a long lost hope. Putting aside the clinic I began to really take in my surroundings and drive a little slower. I had no idea Colorado had green hills! Any hills or foothills I had seen were always full of boulders or evergreen trees. It was SUCH a delight! Finally I saw a sign for a road "Tomah" and at least one car was on it, I turned left knowing Castle Rock was at least in that direction and I would find development soon enough. When I got home and looked up the address I was so close to finding the barn had I stayed on 105 a bit longer.Things I noticed about myself (and others I'm sure) while driving. When you know where you are going you move faster, eyes forward. When I had little idea of when I was going to find Plum Creek, I slowed down, eyes taking in both left and right enjoying the scenery. The weekend was a good reminder to have goals, but to slow down and take in all I can! I hope you too can slow down time to time and enjoy the ride!
Thinking about you a lot today...we need to catch up!
happy 3rd anniversary, by the way (a couple days late, i know!)
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