Thursday, May 31, 2007

It seems the more people I talk to the more I see twenty-something people who are so confused and searching through their lives. I am beginning to think, where are all those who have passed the 20's into their 30's and why are they not helping those struggling through their 20's ? One person I spoke with recently is turing 30 this year and was down because she was not where she wanted to be at thirty (only 4 months away). When did we decide where there is and how do you stop the madness? How do you help encourage those around you in this spot? And at times what would I like to hear?

Herein lies the problem...I don't know what to say and I dont know I what I would want to hear?

For all those searching, hang in there and keep searching. For those who have already been there, remember what it felt like and share some love. Cheers to a happy Friday!


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