Tuesday, February 21, 2006


On Friday I received a call at work from an ecstatic Josh on the line. And for good reason, he had just gotten tickets to a sold out show on Sunday night for Coldplay, and not only tickets, but we were on the floor 10 rows from the stage! I couldn't believe it!!! Through a connection at his work, the guy he was replacing, who was connected to Warner Brothers we were able to go with him and a friend to one on my favorite bands.

We arrived at Will Call Sunday night to meet for the tickets. The situation was as close as I would ever experience to being mistaken as a drug dealer. Once we came in from the cold slowly the people standing in small pods around the room approached us causally asking if we were "Jeremy" or "Sara." They were all waiting for their eBay/Craigslist purchased tickets. Upon answering no, both would kinda smile and laugh hoping their deliverer would indeed arrive. Every time someone was connected with tickets the other pods of people would look nervously around or make a call on the cell phone. It was pretty entertaining....Until we were one of the last groups!! Freaking out the tickets finally arrived and we were able to catch most of Fiona Apple.

And She looked like she had seen a drug dealer recently... I love one of her new songs, so I was hoping she would make it through what looked like more emotional baggage than any one person should carry, or maybe she was hallucinating. Im still not sure.

It was a great crowd and Chris Martin kept things interesting leaping across the stage, pounding on the piano and taking pics with people's cell phones. There were even yellow balloons for yellow. The night was great! It felt really personal being so close, you were able to forget the 15000 people behind you. (Can you tell I have never had good seats to anything =) I was so grateful, I keep telling David "thank you thank you thank you!"


Blogger Jess said...

Wow! How cool! I've never been to a big concert like that [with or without good seats]! HOw amazing that it was one of your favorites!

9:52 AM  
Blogger The Chinlund Family said...

I'm so jealous!!! I LOVE Coldplay... I'm sure it was absolutely amazing, and 10th row seats! WOW!!!

3:05 PM  

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