We have moved...
Cody stayed with my parents for the week and by the reaction we got upon getting home I really think he thought he was on vacation as well with the big back yard and another dog to play with. I am really thankful for the time we had down in Mexico and can only look forward to the next time. Getting ready to go I was stressed about all I was leaving behind, but surprisingly enough the world went on just fine without me. The entire week without my phone and Internet was really good for me. Thanks for checking in on us! Happy Easter!
The difference between this conversation and the ones prior is that once it had ended, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I thought, "I love Emily and maybe a dog would be good for me. It would cause me to be less selfish and it would give Emily a constant companion." These thoughts scared me and excited me at the same time. By the next day I had found myself at the Denver Dumb Friends League looking at dogs. I originally went down there to fill out the information and put our name on a list for a golden lab or retriever. After looking at all of these beautiful dogs, two and half hours later I had picked out an 8 month old puppy named Cody. He is a german shepherd mix with what we think is a lab and I loved him. I have never been a big dog guy, the hair all over, the smells, the poopy pick up, but in a moment, I had completely changed.
The shelter had to keep him overnight to nuder him and give him the necessary shots, but by 4pm the next day, I would be able to pick him up and he would be ours. The next few days were some of the most anxious hours of my life. All I thought about was this dog. I was trying to keep it a surprise for Emily and it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. It was like when I bought Em's engagement ring and had to wait to give it to her. The next day, the 22nd, I was leaving work to go pick up our dog and I called Emily. She was on her way home from work as well and I asked her if I could meet her off the next exit so we could run errands together. We always love a little quality time in the car and so she hopped in and off we went. I told her we were running to a Goodwill in denver because I had called them and they had just gotten some nightstands that would be perfect for our guest room. The whole drive I am feeling like I am going to burst and before I know it we are pulling into the Dumb Friends League and Emily immediately gets this choked up look on her face and says, "what are we doing here." I respond, "I just thought you would want to pick up your dog", (so smooth:) and Emily breaks down with tears of joy.
We are now into our second day with Cody and we couldn't be happier. He is the perfect addition to our family and at 8 months we were lucky enough to skip the incessent biting and potting training without missing puppyhood. BEST CHRISTMAS EVER! So, to those of you who check this blog, Emily, Cody and myself hope you have a blessed Christmas. Find someone you love and love them completely. Merry Christmas!