The weekend of June 10th I, Emily flew to IL for Amber and Steve's wedding. I had such a good time and even though Josh couldn't come I was able to enjoy the last time I would really get to spend with this group of people all at the same time. It was great to see Justin and Jes again too, since leaving Marion I wasn't used to not having them around. We are now getting ready to head out for Natalie's wedding, but wanted everyone to see wedding #2 of the summer first!
You can see more pictures at www.sylverstudio.comLoginAbelpassword: wedding
The weekend of the wedding was SO much fun. To our surprise Friday, there was NO power at the Howard's house, so if you check out the above link you will see everyone getting ready where there were the most windows..can you imagine: no curling iron or hair dryer and we needed updo's in 3 hours. Thankfully Amanda South saved the day and did nearly everyone's hair by just pinning it to look curly! We wont for get it.
Along with the wedding I was able to catch up with some old QC friends, including my friend Kelly Parrish, who I rode with in high school, who seems to always stationed in a new country learning a new language! And we were able to catch up on her upcoming US/German wedding. Another highlight was staying at one of my best friend Beth Hanson's house. I was able to go out and see her horse, Juliet, and even ride a little! MAN I miss it. The barn was a blast because even in the chaos of the long weekend we tried putting together my survivor was really fun. BUT, didn't make in on time =(