Sunday, September 24, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Saturday was my Mom's 50th Birthday! Hard to believe she looks so much younger! Because schedules have been full and my Grandma and Grandpa Wohrley were visiting it was hard to find time to do all the celebrating we wanted to, so the birthday became the B-Day extended weekend. Yesterday my Mom came out and rode Rowena, she hadnt rode since I had been at Normandy and she did great! After we headed for the foothills and explored Evergreen, a place I had never been to but had heard so much about. It surpassed my expectations and the downtown was SO cute and full of artistic life. Bear Creek runs through the downtown and we ate a a little place called "Creekside", seating included a deck strectched over the creek surrounded by Aspens and little bistro tables full of people sharing a glass of wine eating panini. We had a great time andI loved sharing the exploring with my Mom.
On September 13th Abby, one of my students bought her first pony. It was both exciting to her, the family, and equally to me as well! I sold my first pony! Yeah! They are so cute together and "Skeeter" the pony will now be a part of my lesson program as well. Other updates include the haltering of Isebelle (after 3 months!) and I can now get on and walk around with a saddle and bridle with Caspen. Things are going really well and with the cooler weather I absolutely love spending my days outside. Although I work twice as much as I did before this adventure and make less money It is totally worth it!